Suisui at Seventy - chapter 15.1

Chapter 15.1

Jiang Suisui had actually thought many times in secret, how to tell Song Weizheng that she didn't like him, falling into the water and making a marriage were a mistake, she would not use this to entangle him.

Now this opportunity has come. She and Song Weizheng are standing face to face, and Song Weizheng said that marrying him is troublesome.

But Jiang Suisui can't say it anymore...

Zhang Wenfang and Li Daidi just said a lot of bad things about Song Weizheng's family. Now if she takes advantage of the trend and retreats directly, it is actually a good thing.

But firstly, in the countryside of this era, it is a big trouble for girls to be affected. Although she is not afraid of gossip, she does not want to be annoyed to get out of the house.

Secondly, if there is no marriage, Granny Jiang will definitely urge her to find the next family to marry out quickly. She doesn't want to experience the horror of marriage urges, let alone find a man to marry casually.

However, apart from these reasons, Jiang Suisui still had some faint emotions in her heart, which came out when she first saw Song Weizheng.

She suddenly realized that Song Weizheng was also suffering and struggling with his family and identity. There is also confusion and loss about the future and marriage.

The breeze brushed her cheeks, and the hair around her ears was blown to her face.

 Jiang Suisui uncomfortably tickled her hair with her fingers, and feeling of humanity then whispered to him, "You don't have to think so much, the better the days will pass."

The days are always better. This is what Grandma Jiang has been saying in her ear these days. After listening to it, Jiang Suisui deeply agrees. As a person from a future age, there may not be any power to change history, but you can also use the only prophet to encourage people who are occasionally confused.

"Didn't you have been working hard and want to live your life well? Treat your mother and raise your sister to grow up."

Jiang Suisui still remembers the description in the original book that he was in debt from the family where his father passed away, and his mother was critically ill and his sister was young. He carried a family on his thin shoulders, went to the sea for business, and built his own business empire from nothing.

Just a few words are a lifetime. But only when she saw it with her own eyes, did Jiang Suisui really feel that the winners of life who were understated in the book will also experience pain and struggle first.

"Although saying these words now sounds very flirty, you can try to believe it. From now on, in the near future, everything will be okay."

Song Weizheng was taken aback, and then a trace of complexity flashed in his eyes. He did not expect Jiang Suisui to say These.

This girl seems to be a little different from before...


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