Suisui at Seventy - chapter 12.2

Chapter 12.2

Li Daidi felt Jiang Suisui's sight, and hurriedly moved forward, with an inexplicable flattery on her face, and said, "Sui Sui, what's wrong with your body? Me? do you remember me?"

Jiang Suisui nodded, "Remember, Daidi!"

Li Daidi smiled and said nothing.

Zhang Wenfang glanced at the hall, and took Jiang Suisui's hand and asked in a low voice, "Sui Sui, is your grandma at home?"

Jiang Sui Sui saw her sneaky, guessing she had something to whisper and couldn't give it to her when others heard it, they said.

"Not in the house, feeding the pigs at the back, maybe you will be back soon."

Sure enough, Zhang Wenfang suggested after hearing this, “Then let's goes out and goes to the back mountain. It will be better. I haven’t seen you anymore, I’ve saved my stomach and I want to tell you!”

Jiang Suisui thought, it’s really plastic enough, and it’s very affectionate, but she has been at home for so long and haven’t seen they come to me.

During the period when she first came, she rarely wandered around the village except for wandering around the house and the back mountains. After all, she didn't know the people in the village, and the relatives and neighbors who came to visit at home were enough to cause headaches. She probably only recognized a familiar face.

If it hadn't been for these two people to come to her now, she would have forgotten that the original body had a little sister.

"Let's go, let's go." Zhang Wenfang took her arm and walked out. Jiang Suisui wanted to hear what she had to say, so she didn't resist and went out with her.

Zhang Wenfang took Jiang Suisui's arm as they walked up the hillside while talking gossip, followed by Li Daidi, who had been silent and inexistent.

The three of them came to a hillside, with farmland in front and a wide view, and woods in the back. When the weather was good, they simply sat down here.

Just sitting down, Zhang Wenfang couldn't wait to ask, "Hey, tell me, what did you think about Song Weizheng?"

Jiang Suisui, "What did you think about it? Isn't that what you know."

Zhang Wenfang snorted, "Are you happy to die? He was finally taken down by you."

Jiang Suisui was ashamed, "It's okay..."


Zhang Wenfang seemed to disagree, "I'm telling you, I haven't seen it all the time. Song Weizheng’s, but you’re determined to post it. It’s fine to make a small mess before, but now it’s a real kiss. I sincerely persuade you for the sake of the two of us having a good time. Think about it. Clearly, don't try to put yourself in."

"You said so?" Zhang Wenfang finished speaking and glanced at the silent Li Daidi.

Li Daidi quickly agreed, "Yes, yes! Sui Sui, if you think about it, it is a lifelong event."

Jiang Sui Sui said, "What else do you want to think about ? It's all over."

Zhang Wenfang hurriedly said, "You can retreat if you decide! Tell your grandma, she won't do everything with you"

Li Daidi nodded, "Yes, just retreat."


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